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Strato Maps
A web application for visualizing and sharing big data on a map in the browser.
Icon 1 The application is hosted in your organization’s Amazon Web Services account and at your domain name.
Icon 1 Maps may be public or private. Users and permissions can be created for controlling access to private maps.
Icon 1 Out-of-the-box integration with satellite image providers such as the European Space Agency.
Icon 1 Efficiently upload, download and visualize big datasets.
Icon 1 Built with serverless technology, so that the application is always available, but cloud fees are only incurred for data storage and usage.
Icon 1 May be integrated with Strato Workflows, so that users can trigger workflows to download or output new layers on a map.
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How it works
Our team will launch and configure the application components in your Amazon Web Services account free of charge.
Create new map
Configure the user interface, set map name & description, and include or exclude a variety of map features/functionality.
Upload layers
Upload vector and raster layers, create filters, a legend, custom layer styles and more.
Draw features
Edit vector layers and features directly in the UI via the draw tools.
Set to Public or Private
Set map as public, or private with designated users and permissions.
Trigger data processing
Allow map users to trigger your custom data processing workflows and download or output new layers on a map.
Import Earth Observation Data
Integrations with the European Space Agency, NASA and others to preview, import and visualize satellite imagery.
Looking for documentation?
Find it here.